I have recently returned from a few days in London, a place that always inspires. There is so much architecture that you are almost spoilt for choice. I have several new sketches and paintings to begin with, to work up into larger pieces. Looking forward to sharing.

Leicester Square
In this sketch, I have tried to capture the essence of Leicester Square, there is so much going on in the centre, and I have attempted to capture the busy atmosphere.

St Martin-in-the-fields
Another view from the many evening walk abouts. This scene is of St Martin-in-the-fields, the famous central church in Trafalgar square.

With the trip coming to an end, it was time to pack up and return to the South West and back to the studio. These trips always go so quickly, but it is surprising how much can be packed into them. I am very much looking forward to returning to London again, in the meantime, I have enough material to produce a few final pieces. Best wishes.